On page 2/48 of the conference material (the first page) it states CCSSO is:
Supporting states in transforming education systems and policies.
Translated: a private trade organization is crafting plans/mandates that states must follow to receive federal funding. It's supporting states in telling them how CCSSO will develop education and how the states then need to deliver the CCSSO mandate.
Read through the document. Find out who is selling out your state sovereignty on the state level and what private corporations are making money from the CCSSO/Department of Education takeover blueprint of public education.
If you think local school districts and states should have the right to transform education systems and policies and not consortia and private trade organizations receiving stimulus funding tied to federal mandates, sign the petition to rid Missouri of common core state standards.
Finding our Pa Biz Council supports and lots of companies, conservative and liberal alike, are sponsoring and supporting Common Core. Why? I've asked and they say it's a rigorous program that will advance our students. Why don't they get it?