The following response was sent to legislators in response to Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's claims on Common Core. You may find some responses helpful in your fight against Common Core spin from your state agency. From Missouri Coalition Against Common Core Standards:
Inaccuracies in the DESE Information
Packet For Legislators
on Common Core Standards
DESE Statement: “The
standards establish consistent learning goals for all students, regardless of
where they live so that children will stay on track in school when moving from
one state to another.”
The transient student population is not a large
problem that requires a whole new system for standards development. The actual percentage of students who move each year
is between only 0.3-2%.
In addition, CC
standards provide only a year end proficiency goal. If individual districts may
determine their own curriculum, order and pacing, as the CC proponents claim, there is no inherent guarantee in the
standards that a student moving mid-year will have received instruction in the
exact portion of the standard as any another district.
Section 160.2000 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, Interstate Compact on Educational
Opportunity for Military Children, already addresses barriers to
educational success
imposed on children of military families
because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents. Common Core offers
nothing new.
DESE Statement: “The
standards are relevant to the real world, focusing on knowledge and skills
students will need to succeed in life after high school, in both post-secondary
education and a globally competitive workforce.”
There are no pilot data to support this statement. This is merely a statement of intent, not a
guaranteed, or even likely, result.
Members of the both the ELA and Math Validation
Committees refused to sign off on the standards because this statement could
not be substantiated with research or data.
DESE Statement: “A diverse
team of teachers, parents, administrators, researchers and content experts
developed the CC to be academically rigorous, attainable for students and
practical for teachers and districts.”
CC was developed primarily by people affiliated with
DC nonprofit Achieve, Inc., financed by large grants from the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation and funds from the US Department of Education.
The standards development committee contained no high
school English or mathematics teachers or English professors. It was made up primarily of test preparers, test
providers and administrators. The two
people credited with writing the grade-level English language arts standards
(David Coleman and Susan Pimentel) have never taught in K-12 and have never
published anything in K-12 curriculum and instruction. They have no credibility to the field.
The two people
credited with writing the grade-level mathematics standards (Jason Zimba and
William McCallum) have never taught in K-12, have never published anything on
K-12 curriculum and instruction, and have no experience writing K-12
mathematics standards. No one in the field
of education had ever heard of either of them.
Missouri’s Show Me
Standards requirements for proficiency in fourth grade were already the
second-most rigorous requirements in the country.2
Barbara Reys, who was a key opposition witness and who testified that CC
standards were more rigorous than Missouri’s Show Me Math Standards, was the co-chair
of a standards development committee which authored Missouri K-12 Mathematics Learning Goals. Reys is a mathematics
educator, not a mathematician. A 2008 letter signed by more than two dozen
Missouri University math professors was the result of their frustration with DESE’s math goals development
process and the failure of Ms. Reys to
incorporate their input. The goals she developed resulted in at least 1,000 students per semester entering Missouri
University requiring remedial coursework in math. The letter cited
constructivist math processes in the lower grades that is still rampant in the
CC math standards. It would be a
travesty for Missouri to continue to listen to mathematic standards advice from
Ms. Reys.
2Phillips, Gary W. (2010). “International benchmarking: State education
performance standards.” American Institutes for Research. View online here:
Benchmarking_State_Ed__Perf_Standards.pdfSee sample worksheet. In most cases they have moved standards down a
DESE Statement: “The common
core state standards will ensure that students graduate high school prepared to
succeed in credit-bearing college courses without the need for remediation.”
CC is more likely to
increase college remediation. CC chose to lower the standards and eliminate
Algebra 2 content like geometric and arithmetic sequences, or combinations and
permutations, from its own version of Algebra 2. Among students who just take Algebra 2,
only 7% are ready and 22% are conditionally ready for college.
Remediation rates
may drop only because colleges will be expected to alter their entrance
requirements to eliminate the need for remediation, i.e. lower their
requirements. DESE and the MDHE have worked
together only to “ensure k-12 standards and entry level college standards are
in alignment.” If everyone is taught the same standards but some colleges
have higher admission requirements, who is more likely to have to change: the
colleges who are out of alignment or the entire k-12 standards and assessment
A report on the SMARTER Balanced Consortia website confirms
that the plan is for colleges to reduce their requirements to accommodate
students “educated” under CC.
According to this report, “colleges and universities should seriously consider
creating consistent placement standards for similar entry-level courses,
aligned with the Common Core State Standards and assessments. . . . Will
students who successfully complete a college-ready curriculum transition
seamlessly into first-year college courses? Do those courses assume mathematics
or English-language arts knowledge and skills that are not part of the
standards? . . . The standards thus opens (sic) up . . . exciting opportunities
for postsecondary faculty members . . . to reassess their own curricula for . .
. general education in light of these new common state benchmarks.”3
3 Jacqueline E. King and
Allison Jones, “The Common Core State Standards: Closing the School-College
Gap,” Assessment Solutions Group, March/April 2012, available at
DESE Statement: “CCSS will
boost Missouri’s long-term economic competitiveness because students will
graduate high school with real world skills they need to be successful in
college and the workforce. Nearly 75% of
students graduated from MO’s high schools in 2010. Lost lifetime earnings for
those who did not graduate total $2.3B. “
There is no graduation crisis. MO’s graduation rate
is higher than the national average of 72% according to EdWeek. That number has
been steadily climbing and is the highest it's been
since the mid 1980s.
There is nothing in these unpiloted, untested
standards that guarantees graduation.
That is still up to the student and individual school.
A higher percentage
of all racial and ethnic groups are graduating now than a decade ago.
DESE Statement: “The CC
standards were created through a
state-led initiative” – See chart.
The CC standards
were developed by an organization called Achieve Inc. and the National
Governors Association, both of which were generously funded by the Gates
Foundation. There was minimal public
engagement in the development of the Common Core. Their creation was neither
grassroots nor did it emanate from the states.4
Many state
officials signed on to the CCSSI before the final standards were even written.
The former Commissioner of Education in Texas, Robert Scott, has publically
stated he was pressured by CC proponents to sign the Common Core Standards MOU
before they were available for inspection. There is evidence that governors in
other states compelled their education leaders to rubber stamp the CCSSI. As the legislatures of each state were
largely cut out of the process, their constituencies could not have been
involved - the “parent support” claimed by CCSSI advocates is illusory. Few
parents even know about the CCSSI or that their schools are now being
restructured to meet its demands.5
PTA support for the CC standards was paid for with a
$1 million grant from the Gates Foundation which also helped fund the
development of the standards.
5 Mark Garrison
SB210 Testimony 3/6/13
DESE Statement: “The Federal
Government is not funding or implementing the standards.”
The federal government gave federal stimulus money to
Achieve and the NGA to write the standards.
The federal government pushed the states into adopting
the standards through the Race To The Top Grant application and the No Child
Left Behind Waiver.
The Fordham
Institute provided testimony stating
“They [CC opponents] are right that President Obama politicized the standard by
using federal Race to the Top dollars to coerce their adoption in the states.
It doesn’t help that the president took credit for the common standards every
time he had a chance on the campaign trial, and did it again in his recent
state of the union address.”
DESE Statement: “The standards draw from the best existing
standards in the country and are benchmarked to top performing nations around
the world ensuring that students are well prepared to compete not only with
their peers at home but also with students around the world, maintaining
America’s competitive edge.”
Even CCSSI has backed off its original claim, that the
standards are internationally benchmarked. The CCSI website now says the standards are “informed” by
international standards. Dr. Sandra
Stotsky testified that members of the CC Validation Committee tried for months
– and failed- to get the drafters to identify the countries supposedly used for
international benchmarking.
The Fordham
Institute, which submitted testimony in opposition to the bills, has reported1
that District of Columbia ELA standards were higher than the CC standards, yet
no one would say that DC schools are superior or that their students’ academic
performance is superior as a result.6
benchmarking is not a reason
to adopt the CCSS. Until the CCSS tests are
developed, we will not know to what level the new standards have been
benchmarked. Our own Show Me Standards
already are internationally benchmarked.2
6 Byrd Charmichael, Sheila, Gabrielle Martino,
Kathleen Porter-Magee, and W. Stephen Wilson. (2010). “The state of state
standards—and the Common Core—in 2010.”Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
DESE Statement: “With
Consistent Standards, states have the option to pool their collective expertise
and resources in order to reduce costs for each individual state and bring the
most well-informed creative thinking to various efforts around the standards.”
Missouri not only already had the ability to do this,
but has been recognized as a national leader in professional development and
teacher collaboration. DESE had been
granted authority and financial resources by the Missouri Legislature via the Outstanding Schools Act7 to:
create professional development programs so teachers
could develop/implement high quality curriculum to help all students reach the
Show-Me standards
develop /implement comprehensive assessment systems
based on Show-Me standards
make whatever policy changes were necessary for
students/educators to meet standards and other assessments
In addition, the
legislature provided funding for collaborative discussions/programming for
teachers from around the state.
Missouri test scores
using a nationally normed test such as the NAEP indicated a steady increase of
test scores each year.
7 see pages 55-79
DESE Statement: “CC will
allow states to… Develop and implement
high quality curriculum that best enable teachers to help all students reach
the standards.”
Teachers readily
admit that they are bombarded daily with offers for resources, lesson plans and
curriculum. The only thing having a common set of national standards will do is
make all those resources the same, not richer or more rigorous.
DESE Statement: “Will local
teachers decide what and how to teach with CCSSS?”
The CC standards absolutely direct how to
teach in some cases. For example:
CC replaces the
traditional foundations of Euclidean geometry with an experimental approach. This approach has never been successfully
used in any sizable system; in fact, it failed even in the school for
gifted and talented students in Moscow, where it was originally invented. Yet
teachers are instructed not just to teach geometry but to teach it using this
experimental method.
CC requires
teachers to use a certain percentage of non-fictional texts in order to teach
ELA skills. This is an arbitrary decision with no data to support it. In fact, even though all the historical and
empirical data establish the superiority of literary study to “information
text” study, teachers are instructed to follow the CC mandates.
DESE Statement: “CC Standards
are only English Language Arts and mathematics.”
We know other
standards are already in the works. Science standards coming from Achieve Inc. are
in the review process. Additionally,
social studies and even arts standards are being developed, and a set of
national health/sex education already exists (and is being used in, for example,
Chicago kindergarten). Once a framework for creating and adopting a
set of common standards is established, many special interests will attempt to
use it to push their standards. And the federal government will “persuade”
states to adopt those new standards just as it did with CC – through the power
of the purse
The CC ELA standards in fact already dictate some
instruction in other subjects. The
ELA standards include “Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and
Technical Subjects.” Through the device of improving “literacy,” the ELA
standards inject content from other subject areas.
There is nothing
in the NCLB waiver that precludes other subjects from being implemented.
DESE Statement: “The CC has now established the same rigorous
expectations for a majority of students; however, each state remains fully in
control of its own standards and all related decisions”
From Achieve Inc.8
who wrote the standards “Therefore, states who adopt the (CCSS) are expected
to adopt them in their entirety. While states will not be considered
to have adopted the common core if any individual standard is left out, states
are allowed to augment the standards with an additional 15% of content that a
state feels is imperative.“
DESE Statement: “(T)eachers
have been a critical voice in the development of the standards to ensure that
they are practical in the classroom. The
NEA, AFT, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and National
Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), among other organizations, have been
instrumental in bringing together teachers to provide specific, constructive
feedback on the standards.”
When the opposition
claims that MO teachers, professors and parents were involved in the standards development
it means a small number of teachers were given the opportunity to review a
confidential draft . They did not have a
seat at the drafting table and nor did Achieve Inc. have any obligation to
either accept or even explain why they did or did not make changes based on
DESE Statement: “Allow states to develop and provide better
assessments that accurately measure whether students have learned what was
While the standards themselves do not dictate that
states use a particular assessment, Missouri
has signed a contract with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia
(SBAC) to develop assessments aligned with CC. We therefore are not currently developing our own
assessments. We have only one vote in twenty six on those approving those tests
in which items are prepared by Pearson, a significant funder of the standards’
Also, performance
items must be reviewed subjectively by individuals which allows for bias
(corruption and manipulation) in the evaluation of performance data. Missouri will have little if any influence
in controlling for this error source once the SBAC assessments become the
state’s assessment plan.
The commitment to using SBAC assessments amounts to an
unfunded mandate to the local school districts. The costs to acquire and maintain the technology necessary
to administer these tests will be born solely by the school district. The
Foundation Formula will not fund it.
Missouri Statute 160.526
states, “Within six months prior to
implementation of the statewide assessment system, the commissioner of education
shall inform the president pro tempore of the senate and the speaker of the
house about the procedures to implement the assessment system, including a
report related to the reliability and validity of the assessment instruments,
and the general assembly may, within the next sixty legislative days, veto such
implementation by concurrent resolution adopted by majority vote of both the
senate and the house of representatives.” This
action has not been taken.
The structure of the agreement between Missouri and SBAC violates
statute 160.518 which states, “2. The assessment system shall only permit
the academic performance of students in each school in the state to be tracked
against prior academic performance in the same school.”
Collection and Sharing
The Common Core standards are copyrighted to private
organizations to control content
based on the values, beliefs and political positions of the copyright
holders. The determination of acceptable performance on the assessments is based
on the content of the copyrighted material. The long term decisions for the student’s
career and college readiness thus are made by people who reinforce the values,
beliefs and political positions of the copyright holders, not of Missouri.

These computerized assessments are critical to the
larger plan to collect student identifiable data which will be sent to the US Department
of Education and from there distributed to other governmental agencies thanks
to changes made by the US Department of Education to the Family Education
Rights Privacy Act. These changes, made by a regulator to a Congressional Act,
were made after states were
directed to collect this data in a certain format.
Transference of these data outside of the school
district violates Missouri Statute 160.522 which says, “3. The report card
shall permit the disclosure of data on a school-by-school basis, but the
reporting shall not be personally identifiable to any student or education
professional in the state.”
DESE has admitted to collecting 61 out of the full 418
data points included on the national data quality campaign set. Was the
legislature aware that this data was being collected and shared? What process is in place to make public when
other data points become activated in the future?
Development Authority
DESE does have statutory authority to develop state
standards for education. However, the statute does not grant them total
autonomy over this process. Section 160.526 states, ".
. . in establishing the academic standards and statewide assessment system, the
state board of education shall adopt the work that has been done by consortia
of other states and, subject to
appropriations, may contract with such consortia to implement the
provisions of sections 160.514 and 160.518.". They have made no
presentations or requests to the budget or appropriations committees for
funding implementation of Common Core or the assessments.
DESE has been aware for many years that Massachusetts
has scored number one on the NAEP test to which our own MAP tests were
benchmarked. There are ten years worth of scoring data to demonstrate that MA
standards produced high student performance on the NAEP. Massachusetts makes
their standards available for free to any state who would like to consider
incorporating them into their own standards. Likewise, Indiana who has
nationally recognized standards, has made their standards available to other
states to share. In the last decade,
with data available to demonstrate their effectiveness, DESE did not consider
adopting the MA, IN or CA standards.
A note about Massachusetts’ adoption of Common Core
standards: Their adoption by MA should not be considered an endorsement of the
quality of the standards. CC were adopted by MA in 2010 before the standards had been seen or approved by the validation
committee. Initially the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education tried to get out of adopting
CC, but with $250 million, a lot of political pressure and a governor, Patrick
Duvall, who is on the board of Achieve Inc., they had little choice but to go
along. The proponents of CC knew that if they could get MA to adopt, the other
states would fall in line.
Missouri Coalition Against
Common Core
Thank you! The time and effort you put into this article is deeply appreciated by many, I'm sure! I applaud your thoroughness and in-depth information on the disputed DESE's 'answers' to everyone's questions. This present Progressive president and Democrat Progressives will do all in their power to control our chidrens' minds, and eventually their way of life. We must stop the propoganda in our schools if we want a humane future for them. I just wanted to personally 'Thank you' for your dedication and work put into this.
ReplyDeleteIt is already being implemented. I have a response from the Fort Zumwalt School District Superintendent (O'Fallon Missouri) Dr. Bernard J. Dupray which states "the Fort Zumwalt School District has been incorporating the standards into our curriculums as they have been rewritten since 2010". So now what do we do?