"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." - Thomas Jefferson 1820

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Fw: Oprah, Obama, and SUPERMAN

Can you spot the error in the title and the supposition set forth by the Waiting for "Superman" team in the below email? I received this email today entitled "Oprah, Obama, and SUPERMAN". The email reads: "Together WE can fix education". If you think you as a taxpayer or parent is part of the "WE", you are mistaken. The "WE" are Oprah, Obama and Superman: The media/celebrity and venture capital money, the administration, and the Federal Government. This is similar to Race to the Top, Vision for Missouri Public Education, or other educational programs the government is crafting. Parents and taxpayers have no input and this newest theory creates even more federal control over local school districts and state boards of education.

Here's a sentence from the email:

Go to the Get Local page and click on your city. Then contact your campaign manager to get involved. We can't solve this crisis in education nationally without acting locally.

I may contact the campaign manager in the St. Louis area. It would be interesting to find out how I can make a difference locally when I have to operate under federal mandates and had no input as a taxpayer in the planning process. This seems like a task even Superman couldn't handle.

Subject: Oprah, Obama, and SUPERMAN

It's possible. Together we can fix education.
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Hello Superheroes,
Did you see Oprah last week? She dedicated two episodes to Waiting for "Superman." The movie has been getting incredible press, including coverage on NBC's Education Nation. The movie's director, Davis Guggenheim, has participated in many events, including a special town hall meeting on MSNBC. Even the President is talking about the movie.
Now it's your turn to start talking:
Contact your local campaign manager
It's simple. Go to the Get Local page and click on your city. Then contact your campaign manager to get involved. We can't solve this crisis in education nationally without acting locally.
Don't forget to tell everyone you know to see the film as it opens in nine more cities this weekend!

The Waiting for "Superman" Team


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