After the first day euphoria of sending students to school, find out what's in the plan for YOUR human capital. |
I remember, when as a young mother, I was excited about the first day of school for my children. This cute blog, Wee Wonderfuls, captures the spirit of what many young mothers feel on the beginning of the school year:
August 24, 2012
first day of school!
Kindergarten! Here's a peek at her goofball backpack. And thanks to the very helpful etsy seller, ScooterbugsBaby, she had a cutie dress to wear in the knick of time. The first one I bought (from Retro&Me) was super adorable but at the last minute I decided to save it for Christmas.
Phoebe love love loves kindergarten, as I knew she would. Everything
about it is cute. Teacher is cute, room is cute, other kids are stinkin
cute, craft projects coming home are cute, her packing her own snack is
cute. It's going to be a great year!
and THIRD grade! This one secretly likes school too. He grumbles as
all proper 8 year old boys should but he spent a lot of time setting up
his new desk this week. And might have actually said homework is fun.
Hope his friends aren't reading this.
Now I just need my brain and the weather to catch up with this back to school business and we'll be all set!
Maybe these children go to private school and the mom feels great about the standards, assessments (or lack thereof) and the curriculum she pays for. Maybe she trusts the school is helping her children with their individual strengths and weaknesses.
If she is in a public school with increasing federal centralization and mandates, this first day of school might contain additional worries other than the fun dresses and backpacks. Unlike several decades ago when school boards had authority and could respond to taxpayer concerns, today's schools are controlled by private consortia held unaccountable to voters...while at the same time, using taxpayer funding for these mandates and policies.
Entitled "Three Ed Reforms Parents Should Worry About" in The Washington Post's Answer Sheet, the writer highlights the education reforms parents need to know what's in store for their kindergartners and older students:
If you ask most Americans what they think of their child’s school, by and large, they think it
is really pretty good. Although most parents see room for improvement,
few think that the “sky is falling” on the roof of their neighborhood
public school. When their son or daughter comes home with poor grades,
most of the time they understand that their child’s effort had something
to do with it. Parents, I find, are quite sensible in their perspective
and do not automatically fault the teacher.
It is unfortunate, then, we are lambasted with sweeping condemnations
of public schools and the teachers who work in them. It creates
cognitive dissonance between our faith in what we know and experience,
and our opinion of public schools in general. You can see that ‘belief gap’ in polling.
Although I agree that we should all make a serious commitment to
improving education, I worry that reformers, many of whom have built
careers and fame by constantly disparaging our schools, are
successfully promoting changes that are not in the best interest of
students. It may be that the “cures” they propose are far more harmful
than the problems they seek to address. Here are the three reforms that I
think parents should worry about the most.
(1) Excessive testing.
I strongly believe that the assessment of student learning is an
important part of schooling. Assessment helps inform teachers, schools
and parents about what students know and have yet to learn. Aggregate
assessment information informs teachers and principals about the
efficacy of their programs and their curriculum. What has occurred,
however, in the past decade, is that standardized assessment has grown
exponentially — especially in the younger grades. This year, New York
State fourth graders, who are nine or ten years old, were subject to 675
minutes (over 11 hours) of state testing. And this did not include test prep and field testing. Both a NYSUT survey of teachers as well as an informal survey of teachers and parents by found that young students were breaking down in tears and suffering from anxiety due to testing.
Excessive testing is unhealthy. Students begin to identify with their
scores. Last June, I was appalled when I heard a 7th grader tell his
mom, “What do you want from me? I’m only “a two.”
(2) The use of test scores for purposes which are not student-centered.
Student test scores should be used to help parents and teachers
determine what a student knows and does not know. They should not be
used for other purposes, such as evaluating teachers in order to dismiss
them or to give bonuses. They should not determine which school should
be closed or be rewarded. When that happens, the relationship between
the child and the teacher, and the child and the school changes. Some
children become more desirable than others. Some children might be
looked upon as getting in the way of achieving a goal. This is not
because teachers and principals are bad people; it is because they are
human. They may be overly concerned, but I know outstanding, thoughtful
teachers who are worried that their relationship with students will
change when they are evaluated by test scores. They want to educate
students, not test prep them.
Now that all of the teacher, principal and school evaluations are
based on growth models, yearly testing, I predict, will continue to
expand. Each time that happens, precious learning time is lost.
(3) The amassing of individual student scores in national and state databases.
State and national databases are being created in order to analyze
and house students’ test scores. No parental permission is required. I
wonder why not. Students who take the SAT must sign off before we send
their scores to colleges. Before my high school’s students could
participate in the National Educational Longitudinal Study, they needed
written permission from their parents. Yet, in New York, massive amounts
of student data are now being collected and sent beyond the school
without parental permission —end of year course grades, test scores,
attendance, ethnicity, disabilities and the kinds of modifications that
students receive. This data will be used to evaluate teachers, schools,
schools of education and perhaps for other purposes yet unknown. Schools
are no longer reporting collective data; we are now sending individual
student data. Although the name remains in the district, what assurances
do parents truly have that future databases will not be connected and
used for other purposes? The more data that is sent, the easier it will
be to identify the individual student.
Eleven states have agreed to give confidential teacher and student
data for free to a shared learning collaborative funded by Bill Gates
and run by Murdoch’s Wireless Corp. Wireless received $44 million for
the project. With Common Core State Standards testing, such databases
are expected to expand. Funding for data warehousing siphons taxpayer
dollars from the classroom to corporations like Wireless and Pearson.
Because Common Core testing will be computer-based, the purchase of
hardware, software and upgrades will consume school budgets, while
providing profits for the testing and computer industries.
Although all of the above is in motion, it can be modified or
stopped. Parents should speak to their local PTAs and School Boards, as
well as their legislators. They should ask questions regarding what data
is being collected and to whom it is sent.
I think it is time to get Back to Basics. Let’s make sure that every
test a student takes is used to measure and enhance her learning, not
for adult, high-stakes purposes. Basic commonsense tells us that student
test results belong to families, not databases. Remind politicians that
the relationship between student and teacher, not student and test
helps our young people get through life’s challenges. Finally, let’s
return to the basic purpose of public schooling — to promote the
academic, social and emotional growth of our children. It is the role of
schools to develop healthy and productive citizens, not master test
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