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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Local Control is Another Name for Special Interest Driven Education Policy

You pay for it.  You send your children. You have no decision making abilities on how your money is spent or what is taught....but private foundations sure do.

Does your state worry about funding Common Core?  My state should.  It's estimated to cost Missouri $350 Million.  As Missouri can't even fund its basic educational formula, it's a mystery on how it will come up with this funding for the mandates.
New Jersey figured out how to fund turnaround strategies mandated in this educational reform.  Just have a private foundation fund the mandates.  Why have the taxpayers pay for something they didn't vote for?  This issue was addressed here:

Administration Looks to Outside Experts for School Turnaround Strategies: Developer of Common Core Standards will be working with state to help ameliorate lowest-performing schools.  

From the article:

 "The Council for Chief State School Officers, the national association of state education commissioners and superintendents best known for developing the Common Core State Standards, has entered into a $1.55 million contract with New Jersey’s education department that will focus on so-called school turnaround strategies. "
 A reader writes:
I have just been doing a little digging into this contract.  We can be relieved that this is not being funded with our tax dollars (or those of the great state of NJ).  We, or the folks in NJ, can be relieved, once again, of more elements of local control.  The contract NJ has with the CCSSO is being fully funded by the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation.....another case of individuals with a foundation buying the implementation of unproven policies and practices in our education system.

Here is more information about New Jersey's contract with CCSSO but if your state is under common core standards, your state is facing the same mandates with the same funding issues.

Read Christie's plan for education reform below.  Can we just call "local control" for what it is?  It's non-existent and education has been taken over by special interests  and the state doing the bidding of the federal government and private interests.   Check out page 6 of the governor's document detailing education reform measures.  If the local boards don't do what the turnaround experts want them to do, 
NJDOE will exercise its authority to ensure that every child has access to a quality education.

Just be aware that the "quality education" is being set by private organizations (funding the turnaround "experts") and supported by the NJDOE.  There really is no reason for local school boards to exist.   

From the article: "The Council for Chief State School Officers, the national association of state education commissioners and superintendents best known for developing the Common Core State Standards, has entered into a $1.55 million contract with New Jersey’s education department that will focus on so-called school turnaround strategies. "

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