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Friday, August 17, 2012

Resistance to Common Core State Standards Gaining Steam

Utah leads the effort to push back against Common Core Standards and all of their associated regulations and requirements. Their state school board has already voted to withdraw from SBAC, the consortium developing the assessments. The fight continues however, as this vote was only step one in divesting themselves of CCSS.

Predictably the USDoE is not going to make backing out of the consortia easy. They are the third and final hurdle a state must get over to actually back out. Now that the state has taken step one, the USDoE is coming in to push back.  Listen to this discussion at the Education Committee hearing in Utah. Jim Stergios from the Pioneer Institute, and Ted Rebarber CEO of AccountabilityWorks, testified on issues with Common Core.

Jaykell Sullivan developed a great infographic, which is included in the information packet shared at the Education Committee hearing, which demonstrates how Common Core is not a departure from NLCB (which it supposedly was in the beginning), but is in fact NCLB on steroids.

Utah is leading the way, but Missouri doesn't have to be left behind. We already have the support of the Republican Party in the state's platform which rejects Common Core. Let us know if you would be willing to join a state coalition to educate our legislature on Common Core and get them to support pulling our state out of CCSS, the longitudinal database, excessive assessments and decisions about the education system in our state that come from Washington.


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