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Monday, January 14, 2013

StudentsFirst does NOT represent School Choice

Does this woman want even more control of educational decisions and state coffers? 

"Entrepreneurial investment in education technology has skyrocketed from $100 million in 2007 to $429 million in 2011. It’s peculiar that the huge increase in companies investing in digital classrooms and testing materials to eventually align with the Common Core State Standards’ requirements began the same year Rhee became Chancellor of DC Schools and Obama began his reign as president". 

Potter Williams Report: War on Education 2013 exposes the federal takeover of education and Michelle Rhee's involvement in the "choice" movement which in reality is not choice for parents.   It's not much of a choice to go from one school to another that has the same common core mandates and the same educational blueprint.  

THERE IS NO SCHOOL CHOICE, and if organizations both conservative and liberal tell you there is, they’re lying. Only the left has the playing field while conservatives grind their teeth on the sidelines. Hedge fund managers who control charter schools versus union-backed majorities on school boards? Where’s the choice? If you want to understand how the war is going, read about the battle for Bridgeport, Connecticut. This is the kind of education reform taking place across the country; and it’s not helping teachers, students, parents or principals who have skin in the game.
Recently StudentsFirst sent out a letter stating Missouri received a "D" ranking according to StudentsFirst's measurements.  It had its recommendations on how:
  • teachers should be evaluated
  • parents should be empowered
  • the legislature should fund education
Why is Michelle Rhee's organization dictating how districts should evaluate their employees, what choices parents/school boards should be making for children in their districts and how state government should be directing funding to educational programs?  Does StudentsFirst's attempts to correct Missouri's educational deficiencies (as it ranks them) reduce federal control and spending?  Do these attempts really create choice or just more public/private partnerships under the ruse of competition?  Ask yourself, what does this private organization have to gain from the changes it wants to see in Missouri....and other states?  Is it really "for the kids"?

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