From and Indiana PTA joins discussion over Common Core standards, pushing for implementation:
"Indiana PTA says some school districts have already spent two years planning and making purchasing decisions based on the implementation of Common Core, and it's too late to turn back now.
"Let's follow through with what we've started and let's see how it plays out, instead of switching mid-stream and causing the school systems to have to go out and spend even more money to switch curriculum again," said Sharon Wise, president of Indiana PTA, which represents 24,000 parents and students."
The National PTA has received over $1 Million from Bill Gates to push CCSS. This line of "we've already spent money and time in teacher training" was used in the latest DESE video from the principal Beth Houf.
We then have this talking point from on twitter: @siliconvalleycf
Parents need time with educators so they can support the implementation of Common Core Standards and so they can help their children succeed
Does anyone think the schools have to throw out the materials they have already purchased that align with CC because we drop our commitment to CC and SBAC? Of course not. Teachers regularly use different materials to get through their lessons. They simply skip the parts that don't apply. They are already using CC yet the kids are taking MAP so is there really some looming crisis if we drop our commitment to CC assessments? There will be if we go forward and dismantle our state standardized assessment team and instead hand that function over to SBAC. That's why the time to make a change is now.