"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." - Thomas Jefferson 1820

"There is a growing technology of testing that permits us now to do in nanoseconds things that we shouldn't be doing at all." - Dr. Gerald Bracey author of Rotten Apples in Education

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Friday, August 16, 2013

NY Superintendent Hates Common Core

Is this where the Common Core implosion began with a brave superintendent?

Below is a voice message you must listen to from an exasperated and concerned superintendent.  He is relaying the news to parents with children from the 3rd through 8th grades that only 30% of the students passed the new assessments.  This is a significant change from 90% of students being ranked proficient the earlier year.

He slams Common Core and the fact that 70% of the children are now considered "failures".  He invites parents to attend a planned rally against the common core tomorrow (August 18) and to protest this takeover of education.

Which Missouri superintendent will be the first one to follow in Dr. Rella's principled stance?  Which superintendent will echo Dr. Rella's statement about common core, "this must not stand"?  Are there no Missouri superintendents who will protect their students and teacher from this political abuse?

Here is the youtube link with the recorded call:

The  portjeffersonpatch.com reports that Dr. Joseph Rella demanded common core be changed or proceedings be held to remove him from office.  He questioned the validity of the test and the emotional toll it takes on students by labeling them failing:
While the numbers were no surprise, the widespread, dramatic drop in scores has led Comsewogue Superintendent Dr. Joe Rella to demand his elected officials to help enact change, or to begin proceedings to remove him from office.
"Please help us," he wrote in an Aug. 7 letter, which was sent to state Sens. Ken LaValle, R-Port Jefferson; John Flanagan, R-Smithtown, and Assemb. Steve Englebright, D-Setauket. "If not, then I request on behalf of our residents – your constituents – you initiate proceedings to have me removed as superintendent. IF this system is truly valid, then during my tenure as superintendent, our students went from about 90 percent proficient to about 30 percent proficient."

Dr. Rella captured Internet attention about the letter he sent to legislators about the common core test results which can be found here.

Thanks to www.StopCommonCoreinNewYork.com and The Independent Sentinel for providing the telephone message so we can all hear a brave and principled superintendent supporting his teaching staff and students.

Do Missouri parents/students have to wait a year to experience the same test results Kentucky, Florida and NY state have experienced with these standards?  How many children/teachers will be considered failures this year due to superintendents not standing up and just doing "whatever DESE tells them to do"?



  1. Thank you for posting this. We in NY are very excited that finally high-level educators are coming out swinging. Commissioner of Ed, John King, had just dismissed all voices against Common Core as Tea Party folks, marginalizing all parents. This response was very timely. Tomorrow is a rally in Long Island, NY and noise will be made!

  2. I wish Superintendents here in Florida wise up and save our students!! Oh but we live in Florida where Jeb Bush still thinks he holds power by bribing our legislatures! The power of the ballot box will speak loud and clear in 2014! Thanks Gretchen for this and I am posting this on my wall for my group. Florida Parents Against Common Core.


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